How To Fund This Work
Please consider financially supporting this work:
- ThinkerToys – the new cognitive media operating system for global thinkers and doers
- GoZulu World Clock – an app for thinking and coordinating in World Time!
- WittMerk – the knowledge engine for ThinkerToys, GoZulu and our other projects, inpired by the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Ralph Merkle
- Noosphere Papers – which document the insights and technologies behind this strategy to address The World Problematique
Sign Up and pay for a membership, either $5 monthly or $50 yearly, to get access to special parts of this website, receive newsletters and be invited to participate in community chats and calls.
More substantial support to accelerate this project is fervently requested. Your every contribution quickens delivery of these tools for scalable collective cognition.
You are invited to email or meet with Shawn Murphy directly that he might best understand your interests and priorities.